When Should I Change K Factor Seasons?

It’s that time of year again to start thinking about changing your K Factor Seasons and asking the question, “When Should I Do This?” The exact time truly depends on your company and how you’re currently using K Factors. Each company is different and that’s why every...

When Should I Change Baseload Seasons?

If your company uses the forecast type of Gal per Day, Auto-Baseload or Auto-Baseload & HW, you not only need to think about when to change K Factor Seasons but also about when to change the baseload Season. Unlike K Factors, where we recommend using only Winter...

Understanding Forecast Types

Ignite has the most robust forecasting system available on the market today. When setting up a new customer there are many different forecast types to choose from.  Deciding which one is the best fit for each customer is sometimes challenging. In this article we will...

Degree Day Meter Failures

As we all know, having accurate and timely data is critical to our success. In our industry, the degree day system is commonly used to forecast when customers are due for a delivery.  Many of you may own a degree day meter because it provides you with the most...

Budget Recalculation

It’s that time of year again when you are reviewing your customer’s active budget plan. If you are finding that they are not in line with where they should be, there are a few explanations as to why this could be the case.  For example, perhaps it’s been unseasonably...

Forecasting Methods in Ignite

There are 13 different forecast methods in Ignite. They can be split into 4 different groups: Will Calls Tank Monitors Scheduled / Julian / Gallons Per Day Degree Days Will Calls: There are 4 different forecast types that fall under the ‘Will Call’ category: Will Call...